时间: 2024-12-09 | 次数: |
(1) 2024-A lighter weight substation infrared defect detection algorithm combining de‐weighted feature fusion and loss function fusion-SCI;
(2) 2024-Ultra-light weight aerial passenger device safety behavior detection model based on channels patial interaction and cascad egrouping-SCI;
(3) 2024-Electric field control of 180° magnetization reversal in a spin-valve multiferroic heterostructure-SCI;
(4) 2024-A YOLOX Object Detection Algorithm Based on Bidirectional Cross-scale Path Aggregation-SCI;
(5) 2024-Cluster segmentation algorithm for enhancing edge information-SCI;
(6) 2024-Simple Mask:parameter link and efficient instance segmentation-SCI;
(7) 2024-SpanEffiDet:Span-ScaleandSpan-PathFeatureFusion for Object Detection-SCI;
(8) 2024-Wire rope damage detection based on a uniform-complementary binary pattern with exponentially weighted guide image filtering –SCI;
(9) 2024-Adaptive neural network iterative learning control of long-stroke hybrid robots with initial errors and full state constraints-SCI;
(10) 2024-A Lightweight YOLO Object Detection Algorithm Based on Bidirectional Multi-Scale Feature Enhancement-SCI;
(11) 2024-The nonlinear model reference adaptive impedance control for underwater manipulator operation objects in bilateral teleoperation system-SCI;
(12) 2024-The Adaptive Bilateral Control of Underwater Manipulator Teleoperation System with Uncertain Parameters and External Disturbance-SCI;
(13) 2024-The Design and Real-Time Optimization of an EtherCAT Master for Multi-Axis Motion Control-SCI;
(14) 2024-Non-Fragile Prescribed Performance Control of Robotic System without Function Approximation-SCI;
(15) 2024-The adaptive impedance control with desired force fuzzy adjustment for underwater manipulator-compliant operation-SCI;
(16) 2024-An adaptive fully convolutional network for bearing fault diagnosis under noisy environments-SCI;
(17) 2024-Deep network fault diagnosis for imbalanced small-sized samples via a coupled adversarial autoencoder based on the Bayesian method-SCI;
(18) 2024-Multi-scale deep residual shrinkage networks with a hybrid attention mechanism for rolling bearing fault diagnosis-SCI;
(19) 2024-Hyperspectral image classification based on local feature decoupling and hybrid attention SpectralFormer network-SCI;
(20) 2024-A hyperspectral image classification method based on feature enhancement and a hybrid deformable convolution network-SCI;
(21) 2024-A small sample bearing fault diagnosis method based on novel Zernike moment feature attention convolutional neural network-SCI;
(22) 2024-Bearing fault diagnosis based on data missing and feature shift suppression strategy-SCI;
(23) 2024-Hyper spectra limage classification based on adaptive spectral feature decoupling with global local feature fusion network-SCI;
(24) 2024-State of health estimation for lithium-ion batteries based on multi-scale frequency feature and time domain feature fusion method-SCI;
(25) 2024-Lithium-ion Battery State Of Health Estimation Method Based On Frequency-Domain Assisted Data Decoupling And Time-Frequency Features ompensation Learning Network-SCI;
(26) 2024-高温超导磁力传动的发展现状及前景-EI;
(27) 2024-Characteristics Analysis and Optimization of Secondary Permanent Magnet Flux-Switching Linear Machines-SCI;
(28) 2024-Thermal analysis of sinusoidal doubly salient Electro-Magnetic Machine with distributed magnetomotive forces considering complex heat distribution and material thermal characteristics-SCI;
(29) 2024-Design and Electromagnetic-Thermal Analysis of Doubly Salient Electro-Magnetic Machine for More Electric Engine Based on Excitation Compensation-SCI;
(30) 2024-Analysis and multi-objective optimization design of sinusoidal DSEM with two different excitation modes based on Gray-Fuzzy-Taguchi method-SCI;
(31) 2024-Temperature field analysis and equal-amplitude temperature rise constraint current control method under open-circuit fault-tolerant operation for five-phase permanent magnet motor-SCI;
(32) 2024-Analysis and Design of Embedded High-Temperature Doubly Salient Electro-Magnetic Starter/Generator for Aviation-SCI;
(33) 2024-单相级联型多电平变换器直流纹波电压分析及抑制策略-EI;
(34) 2024-基于扩展移相的 ISOP⁃DAB 变换器混合优化控制方法-EI;
(35) 2024-Thrust Characteristics Analysis and Parameter Optimization of Five‑Phase U‑Shaped Consequent‑Pole PMSLM-SCI;
(36) 2024-Data imbalance bearing fault diagnosis based on fusion attention mechanism and global feature cross GAN network-SCI;
(37) 2024-Mover structure optimization and performance improvement for halbach consequent-pole PM synchronous linear motors with flux barrier-SCI;
(38) 2024-Fault diagnosis of gas turbine generator bearings using enhanced valuable sample strategy and convolutional neural network-SCI;
(39) 2024-固态变压器中隔离双向DC/DC变换器扩展移相下虚拟电流控制策略-EI;
(40) 2023-高温超导磁悬浮力三维测量系统设计-EI;
(41) 2023-基于线圈子单元的永磁同步电机健康与定子绕组短路故障数学模型-EI;
(42) 2023-Early-stage damage detection of wind turbine blades based on UAV images and deep learning-SCI;
(43) 2023-联合正则化与低秩先验的自适应迭代盲图像复原-EI;
(44) 2023-Research on coal gangue classification recognition method based on the combination of CNN and SVM-SCI;
(45) 2023-Analysis and Design of Embedded High-Temperature Doubly Salient Electro-Magnetic Starter/Generator for Aviation-SCI;
(46) 2023-Wire rope defect identification based on ISCM-LBP and GLCM features-SCI;
(47) 2023-Adaptive Fuzzy Finite Time Prescribed Performance Control for Long Stroke Hybrid Robots-SCI;
(48) 2023-改进损失函数的增强型FPN水下小目标检测-EI;
(49) 2023-基于SRCKFw-检测的多传感器融合的姿态解算算法-EI;
(50) 2023-三电平混合全桥 DC-DC 变换器全局电流应力优化与回流功率优化对比分析-EI;
(51) 2023-三电平双有源混合全桥DC-DC变换器最小回流功率控制-EI;
(52) 2023-Characteristic Analysis of Cascading-Combination DC/DC Controlled-Source Circuit for Marine Electromagnetic Transmitter-SCI;
(53) 2023-基于MIMU的输电杆塔螺栓状态识别-EI;
(54) 2023-Study on mechanism and characteristic of CO evolution of loading coal in inert atmosphere-SCI;
(55) 2023-基于伪全局 Swin Transformer 的 遥感图像识别算法-EI;
(56) 2023-基于双注意力卷积及 Transformer 融合的非均匀去雾算法-EI;
(57) 2023-Fault Diagnosis of Gas Turbine Generator Bearings using Enhanced Valuable Sample Strategy and Convolutional Neural Network-SCI;
(58) 2023-The design of underwater tactile force sensor with differential pressure structure and backpropagation neural network calibration-SCI;
(59) 2023-The model reference adaptive impedance control for underwater manipulator compliant operation-SCI;
(60) 2023-Bearing fault diagnosis based on spatial filtering constraint feature extraction and deep network-SCI;
(61) 2023-Fault diagnosis based on feature enhancement and spatial adjacent region dropout strategy-SCI;
(62) 2023-Bearing Fault Diagnosis Based on Mel Frequency Cepstrum Coefficient and Deformable Space-Frequency Attention Network-SCI;
(63) 2023-Fault diagnosis of rolling bearings with noise signal based on modified kernel principal component analysis and DC‐ResNet-SCI;
(64) 2023-Bearing fault diagnosis based on inverted Mel-scale frequency cepstral coefficients and deformable convolution networks-SCI;
(65) 2022-Analysis and testing of a superconducting maglev submersible cryogenic liquid pump-SCI;
(66) 2022-Torque ripple reduction of brushless DC motor with convex arc-type permanent magnets based on robust optimization design-SCI;
(67) 2022-Motion deblurring algorithm for wind power inspection images based on Ghostnet and SE-SCI;
(68) 2022-基于特征融合SSD的微电连接器缺陷检测-EI;
(69) 2022-Inverse Kinematics Analysis of a 6-DOF Manipulator Using Spherical Geometry Method-SCI;
(70) 2022-MPGI-Terminal defect detection based on M-FRCNN-SCI;
(71) 2022-B-FPN SSD: an SSD algorithm based on a bidirectional feature fusion pyramid-SCI;
(72) 2022-Dual?mode control strategy based on DC bus voltage for dual?active bridge converter in marine electromagnetic transmitter system-SCI;
(73) 2022-A fast parameter optimization approach based on the inter-cluster induced distance in the feature space for support vector machines-SCI;
(74) 2022-Multi-objective optimisation design of a suspension-guided permanent magnet synchronous linear motor for ropeless elevator-SCI;
(75) 2022-A deep-learning model with improved capsule networks and LSTM filters for bearing fault diagnosis-SCI;
(76) 2022-Bearing fault diagnosis with cascaded space projection and a CNN-SCI;
(77) 2022-Nonlinear spatial decoupling strategy and deformable convnets v2 for hyperspectral image classification-SCI;
(78) 2021-A Network Flow Algorithm for Solving Generalized Assignment Problem-SCI;
(79) 2021-Behaviors of Axial and Radial Electromagnetic Force for Cryogenic Disk Motor-SCI;
(80) 2021-Grouting Fractured Coal Permeability Evolution Based on Industrial CT Scanning-SCI;
(81) 2021-Distributed resilient state estimation over sensor networks with random nonlinearities, fading measurements, and stochastic gain variations-SCI;
(82) 2021-基于采煤机和刮板输送机能耗模型的速度协同优化控制-EI;
(83) 2020-Dynamic levitation behavior of a radial-type SMB under axial load condition-SCI;
(84) 2020-Fault Diagnosis Based on Space Mapping and Deformable Convolution Networks-SCI